

premises for completing finished products
premises for completing finished products
In May 2014, Belfarmacom was one of the first in Russia to open a new factory for the production of veterinary drugs.

The new plant is built according to the GMP standard. The production capacity is up to 1.2 million liters of non-sterile liquid forms of veterinary drugs per year. The production is equipped with modern equipment, laboratories, warehouses, office and domestic premises. Belfarmacom is the first pharmaceutical cluster company in the Belgorod region. Belfarmacom offers you a range of services for contract manufacturing of non-sterile liquid dosage forms. We have a quality control laboratory, equipped with modern laboratory and analytical equipment: liquid chromatography, spectrophotometry, capillary electrophoresis system, etc. Licensed production facilities are equipped with all the necessary production equipment. State enterprise staffed by qualified specialists in the field of veterinary medicine, chemistry, pharmacy.

By agreement with the client, we can provide the following services:

- development and methods validation for quality control of raw materials and finished products;
- development of normative documents;
- research on the stability of the finished dosage forms;
- development of production technology;
- manufacture of non-sterile liquid dosage forms

As to contract manufacturing please call:

+7 (4722) 58-57-42
+7 (4722) 58-32-32

To order, send a request
Our contacts:
Tel/fax +7 (4722) 58-57-42, 58-32-32
e-mail: verzun@belfarma.com or client@belfarma.com

Production of liquid non-sterile dosage forms
Production technology development
Conducting studies on the stability of finished dosage forms
Development of regulatory documentation
Development and validation of quality control methods for raw materials and finished products
For issues of contract manufacturing, call: The contact person:
Commercial Director of Belfarmacom LLC
Verzun Alexander Vladimirovich